
I'd like to become acquainted with you.
Би синэ садави эетчэм.

Bi sine sadawi eyetchem.

I you known-by-me looking-for.

I am Piotr Romanovich Ivanov, a veterinarian.
Би — Иванов Пётр Романович бихим, ветеринар бихим.

Bi — Iwanow Piotr Romanowich bihim, weterinar bihim.

I - Ivanov Piotr Romanovich am, veterinar am.

Where are you from?
Бугас иду бихин?

Bugas idu bihin?

Your-land where is?

I'm from Tommot, Yakutia.
Би Томмотук, Ёко дуннэдукин.

Bi Tommottuk, Yoko dunnedukin.

I from-Tommot, Yakut from-his-(Yakut's)-land.

Meet my family.
Салдыкалду — эр минӈил кэргэхэлви.

Saldikallu — er minŋil kergehelwi.

Become-acquainted — this my my-own-family.

My wife Olga.
Ахив — Ольга. Атырканми — Ольга.

Ahiw — Olga. Atirkanmi — Olga.

My-wife — Olga. My-old-woman — Olga.

My son Valeriy.
Омолгив — Валерий.

Omolgiw — Waleriy.

My-son — Valeriy.

My daughter Natasha.
Хунадив — Наташа.

Hunadiw — Natasha.

My-daughter — Natasha.

What is your name?
Гэрбис ӈи?

Gerbis ŋi?

Your-name who?

My name is Vasiliy.
Гэрбив Василий.

Gerbiw Wasiliy.

My-name Vasiliy.

How old are you?
Адычи бихинни?

Adichi bihinni?

How-old are-you?

I'm thirty.
Би иландяричи бихим.

Bi ilandiarichi bihim.

I thirty am.

Whose son are you?
Си ӈи омолгин бихинни?

Si ŋi omolgin bihinni?

You who his-son you-are?

Whose daughter are you?
Си ӈи хунадин бихинни?

Si ŋi hunadin bihinni?

You who his-daughter you-are?

I am Niurmagan's son.
Би — Нюрмаган омолгин бихим.

Bi — Niurmagan omolgin bihim.

I — Niurmagan his-son I-am.

I am Niurmagan's daughter.
Би — Нюрмаган хунадин бихим.

Bi — Niurmagan hunadin bihim.

I — Niurmagan his-daughter I-am.

When did you arrive?
Су окин эмэрэс?

Su okin emeres?

You when you-have-arrived?

This morning.
Эр тэгэлтэнэ.

Er tegeltene.

This morning.

This afternoon.
Ур инэӈит.

Ur ineŋit.

This day.

Yesterday evening.
Тынэвэ ахилтана.

Tinewe ahiltana.

Yesterday evening.

Whould you sit at the table?
Остолдула эмэкэл.

Ostoldula emekel.

To-table come.

Take a seat (at the table), please.
Остолдула тэгэкэл.

Ostoldula tegekel.

To-table seat.

Would you like to have some strong tea with some milk?
Укумничи тыптыра чайя уӈкудем?

Ukumnichi tiptira chaiya uŋkudiem?

With-milk strong tea shall-I-pour?

Some without milk please.
Эчэ, укумние ачинин хулэкэ.

Eche, ukunmie achin huleke.

No, milk no better.

Thank you.
Пасиба, аювум.

Pasiba, ayuwum.

Thank-you, I-liked-it.

Where are you going then?
Эдук иртыкэки ӈэнэӈнэнни?

Eduk irtikeki ŋeneŋnenni?

From-here where-to you-will-set-out?

I'm going to Zhigansk to meet my kin.
Би дялдулави Жиганскайла суруӈнэм.

Bi dialdulawi Zhiganskayla suruŋnem.

I to-my-kin to-Zhigansk I-start-leaving.

Write down my address.
Адреспав дуккал.

Adrespaw dukkal.

My-address write.

You too.
Си нян.

Si nian.

You too.

Good bye!


~ I'm looking forward for our nex meeting.


Anna Myreeva

Galina Varlamova

Alexander Varlamov

Voiced by Galina Varlamova


Translated from Russian by Rustam Yusupov. Revised by Dr. Bernard Leeman.



The authors have made this phrasebook close to real language spoken by Evenks living in Yakutia (in the North-East of Russia). Some words can be written not as prescribed by the rules of literary Evenk language. Some words can be written different in different cases. However all phrases of the phrasebook are well-understood by all Evenks living in Russia.