Tatkitpi ulguchekel.
Bu shkolawun omakta, ŋerin, aktowai, phizkulturnai zalichi.
Dian klahichi-gu?
E, dian klahichi.
Ewedi-gu shkolahun?
E, ewedi, tar-da bichelin lucha kuŋakar, tatkamnil nian bihi.
Ekudi turendi tatiŋnaras?
Ilan klassmaktu ewedit, taduk luchadit.
Diuduwi ema turendi turetcheŋnenni?
Diuduwi amtilniunmi ewedit, huŋtulniun luchadit.
Internattu on ulguchemecheŋneres?
Internattu luchadit turetcheŋnerew.
Voiced by Galina Varlamova
Translated from Russian by Rustam Yusupov. Revised by Dr. Bernard Leeman.
The authors have made this phrasebook close to real language spoken by Evenks living in Yakutia (in the North-East of Russia). Some words can be written not as prescribed by the rules of literary Evenk language. Some words can be written different in different cases. However all phrases of the phrasebook are well-understood by all Evenks living in Russia.