
How can I get to the municipality administrative building?
Администрацияла он суруӈнэм?

Administratsiyala on suruŋnem?

Is it far?


Who is the head [of administration]?
Бэгин ӈи?

Begin ngi?

What do the people do [here]?
Экунма бэел хаваливкил?

Ekunma beyel hawaliwkil?

They breed reindeer, go hunting, go fishing.
Орорво иргивкил, бултавкил, олломивкил.

Ororwo irgiwkil, bultawkil, ollomiwkil.

How much reindeer do you have?
Орор кэтэл-гу?

Oror ketel-gu?

5000 in 10 teams (brigades).
Тунӈа тыхинча орор дян бригададу дявучавчадяра.

Tunŋa tihincha oror dian brigadadu diawuchawchadiara.

Do you have other lifestock, in addition to reindeer?
Орордук хуӈту экун авду бихин?

Ororduk huŋtu ekun awdu bihin?

[Yes, we have] cows, horses.
Хукурил, мурир.

Hukuril, murir.

What vegetables grow well?
Дуннэдук балдырил экун аят балдывки?

Dunneduk baldiril ekun ayat baldiwki?

Potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers grow well here.
Эду картофель, капуста, помидорил, огурцыл аят балдывкил.

Edu kartophel, kapusta, pomidoril, ogurtsil ayat baldiwkil.

Where are you (plural) from?
Идук эмэрэс?

Iduk emeres?

Where are you (singular) from?
Идук эмэнны?

Idur emenni?

I've come on a business trip.
Командировкаду эмэм.

Komandirowkadu emem.

I've come just for leisure.
Элэ дэрумкинэм.

Ele derumkinem.

I came to visit family.
Амтылдулави эмэм. Энтылдулави эмэм.

Amtildulawi emem. Entildulawi emem.

I've come to visit friends.
Гиркилдулэви эмэм.

Girkildulewi emem.

I've come for business purposes.
Хавалдяӈави эмэм.

Hawaldiaŋawi emem.

I've come to go hunting and fishing.
Бултадави, олломидави эмэм.

Bultadawi, ollomidawi emem.

I'm looking for job here.
Эду хавалдяӈави эмэм.

Edu hawaldiaŋawi emem.

How long are you going to stay here?
Горово-гу биӈэтыс?

Gorowo-gu biŋetis?

I'll stay here for five days.


I'll stay here for one month.
Бегава бидиӈэв. Бегадиӈэв.

Begawa bidiŋew. Begadiŋew.

Are there many people living here?
Эду кэтэл-гу бэе?

Edu ketel-gu beye?

How do I get to the shop?
Магазиндула он суруӈнэм?

Magazindula on suruŋnem?

Tell me about your school.
Таткитпа улгучэкэл.

Tatkitpa ulguchekel.

There is a high school here.
Эду дян клахичи таткит бихин.

Edu dian klahichi tatkit bihin.

There is an eight-year school.
Эду дяпкун клахичи таткит бихин.

Edu diapkun klahichi tatkit bihin.

How many children study in your school?
Ады куӈакар алагувкил?

Adi kuŋakar alaguwkil?

How many teachers??
Татыгамӈул кэтэл-гу?

Tatigamŋul ketel-gu?

What language do you use in learning?
Куӈакар эма турэнди алагувкил?

Kuŋakar ema turendi alaguwkil?

What language do you speak usually?
Эма турэнди улгумэтчиӈнэрэс?

Ema turendi ulgumetchiŋneres?

The elders usually speak their mother language, the youths speak Russian and Yakut.
Сагдыл — балдыдяк турэндивэр, илмактал — лучадыт, ёкодыт.

Sagdil — baldidiak turendiwer, ilmaktal — luchadit, yokodit.


Anna Myreeva

Galina Varlamova

Alexander Varlamov

Voiced by Galina Varlamova


Translated from Russian by Rustam Yusupov. Revised by Dr. Bernard Leeman.



The authors have made this phrasebook close to real language spoken by Evenks living in Yakutia (in the North-East of Russia). Some words can be written not as prescribed by the rules of literary Evenk language. Some words can be written different in different cases. However all phrases of the phrasebook are well-understood by all Evenks living in Russia.